Request Time Off

Use the Time Off Requests page to submit a time off request for approval.

Watch a video demonstration of how to request time off on the web. For written instructions, see the steps below.

  1. Select Employees > Time Off Requests.

    The Time Off Requests page opens. You can view your estimated time off balances in the upper right of the page. You can view full details about your time off balances from your employee profile.

  2. Select Add Request in the upper right.

    The Add Request pop-up window opens.

  3. Select the Start field to open a calendar that you can use to select the starting date for your time off (defaults to today's date). This field defaults to today's date.
  4. Select the End field to open a calendar that you can use to select the ending date for your time off (defaults to today's date).
  5. If you are taking time off for a fraction of a day, select the Include Time button.

    This expands the Add Request window to show the Start Time and End Time fields.

    1. Select Start Time to access a clock that you can use to select a starting time for your request in either analog or digital format.
    2. After you select a time, choose AM or PM, and then select Done.
    3. Select End Time to access a clock that you can use to select the ending time for your request in either analog or digital format.
    4. After you select a time, choose AM or PM, and then select Done.
  6. Depending on your system setup, select either:
    • A time off Type. For example, Vacation or Sick, depending on the options that your organization has set up.

    • The Department, Job, and Phase to use for timesheet entries associated with the time off that you are taking.

  7. If available, select your time off Approver (typically, a supervisor).
    Note: If you do not see the Approver field, your time off requests are routed to your supervisor automatically when you submit them.
  8. Optionally, enter a Comment for this time off request.
  9. When you are finished, select Submit Request.

    The request is routed to your time off approver via email, and added as an appointment on your time off calendar. This appointment is pending until approved (or declined).

  10. To review or delete a time off request, select that appointment on the calendar.

    A summary of the request displays.

    1. To delete a time off request, select Delete.
    2. To keep a request as shown, select Close.
    3. To view details about your time off balance, select the link to your employee profile.
    Note: You cannot edit a pending time off request on the calendar. Instead, you can delete the pending request that you want to change, and then submit a new request with the correct information.
You will receive an email notification after your supervisor approves or declines your time off request.