Lookup List

ProContractor features versatile lookup lists that enable you to easily filter and manipulate your data so that you can find what you need.

To display a lookup list, select or press F4 in a lookup field.

When you customize a lookup list, ProContractor saves your changes and will display the list using those changes on every screen where the lookup list is used.

For example, if you customize the customer lookup list on the Customer screen, you will see the customized customer lookup list on all other screens where it is used, such as Enter Customer Invoice, Enter Cash Receipts, Project, and so on. As another example, if you customize the prospect lookup list on the Prospect screen, you will see the customized prospect lookup list on all other screens where it is used, such as Create Bid, View Bid Log, and so on.

  • ProContractor doesn't always display all columns in a lookup list by default. You can use the field chooser to select the columns that appear in a lookup list. For example, select in the upper left corner of the lookup list to display the field chooser.
  • You can move columns in a lookup list and arrange them according to your preference. For example, select the column you want to move and drag the column to its new position.
    Note: Use the two arrows as a guide when you drag the column. When you release the mouse button, the column appears in the location of the arrows.
  • You can sort any column in alphanumeric order. Select the header row of the column you want to sort. The sort indicator (a triangle pointing up) appears and the column sorts from lowest to highest or from A to Z. Select the header row again to sort from highest to lowest or from Z to A.
  • You can sort multiple columns. Sort the main column you want to sort first, then hold Shift while selecting the header row of the next column you want to sort. The sort indicator (a triangle pointing up) appears and the column sorts from lowest to highest or from A to Z.
  • You can filter the data in a column. Select in the filter row to select the filter operator. Then, enter the filter criteria or select to select the filter criteria from a list of valid values. Alternatively, select to select a value in the column, Blanks,NonBlanks, or Custom to specify a custom filter. Note that ProContractor will not save a filter on a lookup list.
  • To clear the filter criteria, mouse over the filter row and select clear filter criteria. To remove all filters from the grid, select clear filter criteria in the upper left corner.
  • For projects, customers, vendors, employees, and equipment, select the Include Inactive checkbox to view active and inactive records in the lookup list.
  • For vendors, select the Include One Time Vendors checkbox to view one time vendors in the lookup list.