VA ‘Other Event’ Statistics

You can use the VA ‘Other Event’ Statistics report to display the date, time, and user recorded in the Application Log for ‘Other Events’ by selecting Viewpoint Administration > Reports > VA ‘Other Event’ Statistics.

This report displays the date, time, and user recorded in the Application Log for ‘Other Events’. This includes when users clear batches, close ledgers, and close or reopen payrolls, as well as other selected events. A list of available processes can be seen with the F4 on Beginning/Ending object inputs.

Report Parameters


Beginning Date

Enter beginning date or leave blank for all.

Ending Date

Enter ending date or leave blank for all.


Accept the default, or press F4 to select a company.

Beginning Object

Click the Field Lookup button or press F4 to select the beginning object.

Ending Object

Click the Field Lookup button or press F4 to select the ending object.