VA Form Security by Form

You can use the VA Form Security by Form report to list form security access for a specific form or module by selecting Viewpoint Administration > Reports > VA Form Security by Form.

This report lists form security access for a specific form or module. The report will list the form security access level along with record permissions (Add, Update, Delete) and associated attachments. If tab level security is defined on a specific form it will also be listed.

If a user is part of a security group, only the security group will be displayed within this report. If a user also has explicit permissions set on a form, the user will also be listed under a separate group entitled 'Individual Security'. This security level takes precedence over a user's security group setting.

This report displays the selected company (or companies) as well as applied security for all active companies.

This report uses a special View called VASecurityByForm.

Consider running the VA Form Security by User report to see a list of forms to which a user or security group has access.

Report Parameters


Beginning Company

Select the Field Lookup button or press F4 to select the beginning company.

Ending Company

Select the Field Lookup button or press F4 to select the ending company.

Form or Module (required)

Click the Field Lookup button or press F4 to select the form or module.

User or Group (Blank for All)

Select the Field Lookup button or press F4 to select the user or group.