VA Copy Security Audit Report

You can use the VA Copy Security Audit Report report to to isplay the permissions that will be copied via the Copy User button in the VA User Profile form by selecting Viewpoint Administration > Reports > VA Copy Security Audit Report.

This report displays the permissions that will be copied via the Copy User button in the VA User Profile form. Permissions to copy is based on the Copy User that is running the application.

Report Parameters


User that is being copied

Click the Field Lookup button or press F4 to select the user being copied.

User that is being copied to

Click the Field Lookup button or press F4 to select the user being copied to.

User that is doing the copy

Click the Field Lookup button or press F4 to select the user that is doing the copy.

Security Type. (A)ll, (F)orm, (R)eports, Attach(M)ents, (I)nquiries, (T)emplate, (G)roups

Enter A, F, R, M, I, T, or G.