VA Report Security by Title

You can use the VA Report Security by Title report by selecting Viewpoint Administration > Reports > VA Report Security by Title.

This report is intended to verify report access for an individual user and provides a list that shows Report Security Access for a Module/ Title for Company/Groups and/or User. It also lists report security access and related security group(s) for a specific user.

Note. Even though a user may have been granted report access in a security group and/or across all companies, it may be denied at a user level and within specific companies.

Report Parameters


Beginning Company

Select the Field Lookup button or press F4 to select the beginning company.

Ending Company

Select the Field Lookup button or press F4 to select the ending company.

Report ID or Module (required)

Click the Field Lookup button or press F4 to select the report ID or module.

User or Group (Blank for All)

Select the Field Lookup button or press F4 to select the user or group.

Include RP Assignments?

Check box to include report assignments.